Further, Srinivasa is going to depict the divineness of pure love between man and woman, as it should not go worthless due to intense emotion physically rather than live better sensibly in human life. Moreover, He is conveying His Divine Message of Sath-Chit Sathva exclusively in communing way for the people of world.
Whether the love before marriage or after marriage; a true love is providential with divine grace. Especially before marriage in youthful emotion, sensually love was faded up by passionate desires to both guy and girl. In most cases the sensual emotions shield the truth of pure love playing malice errant.
Srinivasa also loves Padmavathi before marriage. It is certainly providential and He knows-“we are divine couple; and our marriage already made in heaven!”
On accepting Gruhashashrama dharma, Srinivasa depicts how the pure love and affection binds boy and girl, and how it's relatively moderate one. Here, providentially He marries again. Maiden is Padmavathi as His Srilakshmi only but in transformation; for the next divinely amusements!
Understanding the Pure Love
Understandings before marriage or after within a new couple is not as easy as they think. If it is of divine nature they get success through. All his/her karmas and incited samskaras earned earlier, in turn forms modes of nature compels them as they were. On which the events play also called as predestined. Controlling such previous-forces the cultivation of good habits by sathva is possible only on special efforts. Maximum patience is required to understand physically and mentally. Most of the love marriages are failure only, because of misunderstandings, and on their previous tendencies and environments from where they have come. Some few begets divine grace by birth as Vedavathi had earned from her previous births’ austerities and hard penance; she reborn as Padmavathi.
Pundit Sayanacharya who wrote annotations to the Vedic rituals says-
Tadidam Viparyasena Sambandha Nayanam Vivaham.
A boy and a girl like, and get marry. Their inborn Samskaras the tendencies and its impacts with previous karmas in the present life becomes opponent to each other. Naturally their different natures come to show effects as per genesis, ethnical reasons also. Such inconsistency between the couple appears not only physically but mentally, but they should face with full of patience. No doubt it is a strange beginning of a new life for both.
Here, each individual has to struggle first for existence, and to upgrade his/her Life Styles with due importance to set right their earlier tendencies and then only they able to upgrade future. As we are not mere cogs to as machine like operated by such predestined tendencies?
We have free will with wisdom to act independently. It is up to him/her to correct and sharpen the mind power through sathva, because in present life the regular practice for edification within us in the name of Lord is more profound insight than all profundity.
When hearts are won understandings easy; then true love begins. In midst accepting difference of opinions and either of one’s failure or defeat shared equally the relationship remains forever. However, it is not so easy to have/had divineness qualities within an individual. Hence, it is necessary to have devotional attributes and rites in the name of Lord, to upgrade our life with blessings of parents, elders and from all well wishers.
As already said, in the human life there are four formative elements called as Chaturvidha Purushartha- Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha. Our gods-goddesses’ four hands also represent these...
All these can be achieved individually on the mode of Sathva. To those who overpower Kama, krodha and artha ie,to control Sensual, angriness and financial by Sathvaguna the true love carries definite meaning, and be admired by one and all even by the Lord.
A couple appeared in pure love as Sathvika and Saddhvi understands the sanctity of wedded life. They are said to be moderate one couple; divinely made for each other. Even the religion, caste, ethnics, money and position-status counts no uplifts or down falls between them, but it is not as easy as within same religion.
In our arranged marriages earlier before to betrothal i.e. before marriage fixation, boy and girl were made to meet and see together. Mostly they agree each other on their a few minutes first amicable sight. Our elders say it as predestined relation as “Runanu bandha” betided relation by births. We are seeing most of those arranged marriages are successful.
As a man of deity Srinivasa depicts the pure love at His first flair sight, it is true love on divine providence and grace only.
-from book- The Message From Seven Hills