Lord Sri Venkateshwara is a universal exponent standing on this serpent hills explicating His Divine message.
His Sattvik Shakthi _the Power of Gentleness is transcendental and attracting the people from all over the world to here.

The Message From Seven Hills- Foreword

Our ancient best epics depict man’s wisdom and his never ending intellectual hunting of special knowledge to the growth of human culture and civilization.  In legendary epics, a few exemplary illustrations are available for Mankind yearning for contemporary human values.  As such the ascetic’s experiences of our great sages, the expressions of our elders are not out dated. 

The spiritual realities achieved by those transendalists are not measurable by any science; but conformable to our life.  As it seems nowadays our mind is in this society appearing disintegrating and disturbing. It cannot remain constant without change.  Its roots are in realising the absolute truth for nourishment and to explore the subconsciousness to the new dimensions of life. 

  It is the realisation of the Divine grace light to find out meaning for the present with new values and vision for the future. Getting nurtured in the present life is ever needed; with elders our younger generations have to come forward in pursuit of knowledge. 

    In a philanthropic nature of innovative work, especially in this type of scriptures rather than success, finding out the human values takes much importance. If readers find soulfully concentrating on such values it ensures beneficial factors.
    In amidst of my years of efforts and hard work, I am thankful to my son Chi// Rajiva Nandan, without his immense support I would not have accomplished this scripture.

    My appeals to all readers just go through to observe as if you are reading this epic of Lord Sri Venkateshwara for the first time.  If you open yourself to conscientious mind can find His divine spark and direction invisibly worked out behind this scripture, the same voice and views I just followed which made mystic miracle.