Of course! He might have third-eye sense of meticulous, his absurd egoism itself was hiding his all pre-eminences. He considered himself invincible in the spiritual realm. He also presumed he is quite fit to examine the three divinities.
Sage Bhrigu before entering into Trilokas the abode of triniy, on his way he started thinking himself about the three modes of nature-Thrigunas_ Sathva, Rajasa, Tamasa (the human body of principles of doctrines), and how these three modes works out either in the area of divinities or in the area of common people. These three modes of nature_Thrigunas are reasoning for sensational and worldly materialistic actions of all human beings ever since exists in their life following its' consequences; and eventually impacts on future.
Bhrigu starting to go on conceive himself the features of these Thrigunas__
Sathva- the fortitude of gentility-the quality of goodness, self-relaliztion, god consciousness, knowledge enlightenment, contented .
Sathva- the fortitude of gentility-the quality of goodness, self-relaliztion, god consciousness, knowledge enlightenment, contented .
Rajasa- the principle of activity- furious, aggressive, excitement, indiscrimination, illusions.
Tamasa- the principle of inertia- darkness, ignorance, nescience, indecent, violent, criminal.
In the previous incarnation of MahaVishnu as Sri Krishna said about these Thrigunas for man's self-awareness.
Ari-shadwargas- Kama, Krodha, Moha, Mada, Matsaryya, Lobha these are all six enmities of human nature _ over sexual temptation, anger-the furor, gallant, fuddle, jealousy and luster are the factors of Rajasa and Tamasa be subjugated by the quintessence of Sathva.
Ari-shadwargas- Kama, Krodha, Moha, Mada, Matsaryya, Lobha these are all six enmities of human nature _ over sexual temptation, anger-the furor, gallant, fuddle, jealousy and luster are the factors of Rajasa and Tamasa be subjugated by the quintessence of Sathva.
Dharma, Artha, Kaama, Moksha_ Righteousness, Wealth, Sex and Salvation are achieved finding the absolute truth on the power of Sathva.
Sri Krishna said in Geeta-Sathva drives one to joy and Rajas to furor, while Tamasa clouds one’s wisdom asmuch darkness and ends in violent incites to crimes. Overpowering Rajas and Tamas, Sathva prevails, Overpowering Sathva and Tamasa, Rajas prevails and even so overpowering Sathva and Rajas, Tamasa prevails. Therefore, if a man who attained the highest state of sathva said to be in balanced mind; attained gentility, gentleness for healthy and wealthy life.
How to achieve the highest state of Sathva? _
First it is to achieve fortitude of gentility... To someone it comes naturally as inborn nature of gift said to be “Samskara jannya.” Also, it comes necessarily in the present birth by assiduous practice by yoga sadhana. The yoga first starts through meditation and puts an end to all sorrows.
What is meditation?_
It is a three step process to reach stage of serenity, clarity, and bliss. As three gunas the three modes acts on our physical nature of body, meanwhile in our self-consciousness three states of mind is also there- Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. It is to reach the first Dharana, the Dhyana final one contemplative state-Samadhi sthiti. All the three steps are to be practiced having deep inner sight with firm faith and God-consciousness.
Normally the mind will be in our materialistic desires. As soon as we sit in meditation all sorts of turbulent thoughts occupy to disturb us, forced to abandon meditation. To turn the mind to our inner sight it is necessary to watch our Prana vayu_ life breathing, without applying any force.
Our sages evolved holy syllables whose sound vibrations are conductive to entering into deep meditation. In glowing terms about the efficacy of the panchakshari the five lettered mantra 'Om Namo Narayanaya' inducing us to spontaneously delve into deep meditation.
The five Syllables_ na, ra, ya, na, ya- are the bijaksharas or seed-letters of the five elements of creation- Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether of which our body is made.
Flesh represents the earth, blood represents water; the body heat that helps digesting food represents fire, the prana or life-giving force represents air; and the mind represents ether. These holy syllables creates vibrations that render the mind pure and directing it inwards, leading ultimately to the awakening of the Kundalini the spiritual energy, that lies dormant at the base of the spine, the muladhar chakra in each individual. Provided each one should follow the principles of yama, niyama, prathyahara, and pranayama.
In addition, better to know main seven chakras of our body.
These are Sahasrara (Crown), Ajna (Agaya), Vishudda (Throat), Anhata (Heart), Manipura (Solar plexus), Swadhisthana (Hara), Muladhara (Root). These chakras act as intermediaries receiving energy from higher cosmic levels and transmitting it throughout the body.
At the location of chakras three major nadis Ida, Pingala and Sushumna meet together forming these centers of concentrated pranic energy. These energy centers act as an intermediary or bridge between the physical body and astral body. If we understand this, we can easily realize how mind and body affect each other. Any mental reaction or impulses create vibrations in astral body; in turn physically to each major chakra which has link with such vibrations.
On final state of contemplation the Sathva raise to its luculent stage. At this infinite state the soul starts praying the almighty by forming astral body, which travel in cosmic space, and also can have control over the time limits between birth and death.
To start the day on first taking bath gives relief from drowsiness, stress and strains. Then to sit in meditation preferably on woolen blanket for at least 30 minutes will irradiate our mind that enable to lead the whole day nicely.
Despite of man’s all illusions, taint some incidents the power of Sathva is ever sprout in people of gentlemanliness and grows up as Satth-Shakti the special life force. No obstacles prevent or divert from that rigidness; with unflinching faith in God. The contentment and purity lie within they-self; even there may be ups and downs in life.
People who are having Sathva guna always dwell on the earth. They may seem to be less in numbers, but their genteel characters and some of them have mystical experiences which shows how they can take time to live, because the world has so much to give; with solace in the life.
People are there earning money by ruling power, corruption, cheating, or by theft, robbery such gained wealth was not on bestowal by endearing goddess Sri-Lakshmi. There is no happiness in it and will not stand on a long time with peace of mind.
Of course! The very worldly materialistic needs and such comforts are based on the wealth! But not in almost all cases on the blessings of Goddess Adi-Lakshmi who is Adi-Shakti also, the divinity named after wealth and the mighty resource in Sanatana Hindu Dharma. She is such a goddess said to be transitory not staying in one place and in one individual, although she has great respect to dwell permanently in those who self-possesses Sathva-guna the quality of goodness.
Mahalakshmi’s blessings may come slowly, but become permanent at place where Sathva-guna is overpowering Rajasa and Tamasa in each individual. So she blesses and bestows to those individuals like Maha-Saraswati and Maha-lakshmi. Where there is Rajo guna and Tamo guna she becomes there as Maha-Kali the angry deity. Whereas, in a King of an empire who fail to find Dharma and not able to up hold the justice she leaves that king and kingdom no doubt.
...The sage Bhrigu was come out of his deep thinking. He was in street smartness, nearing to Trilokas for examining three divinities. In fact, all the three divinities are always having vested interest in yogic meditation! Then how it shall be assessed on an overview? Which divinity is so powerful in Sathva? This big question was also fuming in his mind.
No doubt he was a remarkable seer, but now he is going to lose his foresight. In fact, Bhrigu was not aware of Mahalakshmi’s greatness as mahasadhvi who had fidelity to her swami’s Sathva guna. Hence, on his distinguished visit to trinities, Bhrigu himself was going to be examined by the great divinity, and become resonate for deliverance of Lord’s the Divine Message to the universe.
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