Lord Sri Venkateshwara is a universal exponent standing on this serpent hills explicating His Divine message.
His Sattvik Shakthi _the Power of Gentleness is transcendental and attracting the people from all over the world to here.

Lord the Supreme Saviour

Lord the Supreme Saviour
O Narayana Thou art all over reasoning on Brahman       
the single absolute ever pervading the Universe;           
Thou art depict manly the primeval vigour                                                                        
O Venkateshwara, give me thy delightful vigour.

O Sathvik-cosmic purush on thousands of titles thou art                                               
Induces divine spark; giving life-stride within all beings;
Thee animates life inspirit; thy protector protect me                
Thou art embodied in creation force of all creatures’lives                                                                                     
O Lord of Lords; light up my life from physical to eternal.

Thou art contemplate solely on thy wealth goddess                                 
SriLakshmi to her mightier enliven inspiration;                                                                 
O Venkatesha find me remedy to give up infatuation
Thou art fortitude power conquering the mind                                                              
O Supreme Lord, give me conquering mind.

Thou art accomplish the great and noble tasks     
On selfless motive offers to mankind its fruitfulness;                                               
Thou art divinely works on all actions of actions                                  
Finding out away how to shove all worldly illusions                                                      
O Supreme Saviour, give me wholesome fruitions.                                                             

Thou art ever inscrutable immensely safeguard the   
Universal entity; enlightening us manly in oneness;                                                   
On regular prayers to thee in dawn and evening        
Destroys all spiritual aberrations; even fear of death                                                           
O Venkataramana, give me liberation from all                                                          
bondage of Karmas.
from the Book- The Message From Seven Hills